Hayo Sol

Over the past few years HAYO has established himself as an international successful artist with worldwide recognition and a huge following of admirers of his art.

During his twenties, besides painting and art school, he also focused on his acting career and got very inspired to create PopArt after a first visit to New York.

In 2003 and 2004 he studied Arts and Acting in The Big Apple and was influenced by all the different kinds of PopArt and the many artists living in the city.

His success materialized in 2012 when HAYO SOL was awarded the “P.C. Hooftstraat Award” for his collected works of PopArt pieces. HAYO was very honored and grateful for receiving this prestigious award already at such an early stage in his career!

Although HAYO is also an abstract painter and photographer, he mainly focuses on creating amazing and original PopArt that critics call truly unique and magical and which has doubled in value over just a couple of years!


Website: www.hayosol.nl

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